2 weeks

Well folks,

In exactly 2 weeks I will officially be “Mrs. Stevens.” Ciara Stevens… it has a nice ring to it, does it not?

I’ve been busy with last minute wedding business and interview preparation (which I will discuss at a later date). I wanted to fit in a quick blog since I haven’t done so in FOREVER. I’ve been thinking a bit about how diabetes will influence the “Big Day,” and found these blog posts talking about the topic. If you’re interested, check a few of ‘em out:

“Diabetes on My Wedding Day” from Kerri at sixuntilme.com

“Guest Post: Diabetes on Your Wedding Day” from SySy Morales of thegirlsguidetodiabetes.com, who guest posted on lemonadelife.com

“Diabetes on My Wedding Day” by AllisonB on www.diabetesmine.com

After reading some of these, I’m not sure if I’ve prepared enough for the Big D on the Big Day. I do have a garter-like contraption for my thigh to hold the pump, but at some point I will need to get at that pump. It’s not very lady like to reach up and under your dress all the time. It’s at times like this that I wish Medtronic pumps had a remote! I love Kerri’s idea of popping some candy into your bouquet; very sneaky, and very smart! I’m going to do that for sure.

In other news, a few of my bridesmaids, Sharon and Ashlee were over today to help me with wedding prep. Have a look at some of our accomplishments:

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I’m loving the yellow!

Here’s a personal touch I added to our wedding day shoes:

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Can you see the little stickers on the soles? A Pinterest idea for sure!

That concludes my first post back in over a month. Have a great weekend Smile